AI Solution Features
AI’s engineers played an integral role in the transition to the Joint Information Environment (JIE), combining core data centers with commercial cloud service providers. AI provided engineering, furnishing, installation, and testing services to help modernize the current Server Consolidation Environment (SCE) as well as the Scott Air Force Base Area Processing Center (APC) in support of their transition. We replaced End-of-Service IT infrastructure components across both classified and non-classified environments, and delivered procurement, pre-staging/integration, shipping, deployment, installation, testing, and cybersecurity services across all of the SCE operating locations, Hanscom AFB HCIC lab, and the Scott AFB APC. AI engineers designed a datacenter modernization and technology refresh across the existing Scott APC compute and storage infrastructure. With security paramount, we designed and delivered the full RMF cybersecurity package for the Scott APC TR effort as part of the JIE transition and AF enterprise commercial cloud migration initiative.
Benefits to the Customer Mission
AI’s solution enabled the Air Force to meet their objectives in preparation for full JIE transition and commercial cloud migration on time. Key benefits included:
- Maintaining compliance with all NIST RMF and DISA STIG cybersecurity best practices.
- Enhanced compliance with the FDCCI, JIE, and “Sprint to the Cloud” initiatives and mandates.
- Enabling our customer to remain agile and innovative in support of the CSCS weapon system and its role within Defensive Cyber Operations (DCO).